
Who am I? I am a screwed-up blogger and an active blog reader since 2007. A soulful dreamer who believes that passion is life and a person who is looking for meaning, just like any other human being in this world. A super girl wannabe who is currently taking chances and chasing pavements, while keeping up with time and living life in general. This is me, and this blog is the outlet of my random thoughts. (^___^)

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  • Most of the posts in this blog revolve around Asian dramas, movies and pop culture, so please proceed at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Haha! Have a wonderful and blessed day! :)



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    Visit: Cookie-Bits.Net Layout: Nicole, Dirah.
    Resources: Soonei, Sugarpink.

  • Cell Phone Use During Pregnancy Can Seriously Damage Your Baby
    Wednesday, June 4, 2008 @ 1:08 PM | comment (0)

    Women who use mobile phones when pregnant are more likely to give birth to children with behavioral problems, according to a study of more than 13,000 children.

    Pregnant women using the handsets just two or three times a day was enough to raise the risk of their babies developing hyperactivity and difficulties with conduct, emotions and relationships by the time they reached school age.

    The likelihood is even greater if the children themselves used the phones before the age of 7.

    Specifically, mothers who used mobile phones were 54 percent more likely to have children with behavioral problems. When the children also later used the phones themselves, they were:
    • 80 percent more likely to suffer from difficulties with behavior
    • 25 percent more at risk from emotional problems
    • 34 percent more likely to suffer from difficulties relating to their peers
    • 35 percent more likely to be hyperactive
    • 49 percent more prone to problems with conduct
    The results of the study took the top scientists who conducted it by surprise. The research will carry particular weight because one of its authors, UCLA's Professor Leeka Kheifets, had previously been skeptical that mobile phones could pose a risk to health.

    • Epidemiology July 2008