
Who am I? I am a screwed-up blogger and an active blog reader since 2007. A soulful dreamer who believes that passion is life and a person who is looking for meaning, just like any other human being in this world. A super girl wannabe who is currently taking chances and chasing pavements, while keeping up with time and living life in general. This is me, and this blog is the outlet of my random thoughts. (^___^)

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  • Back To School Again
    Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 9:58 AM | comment (0)

    Thinking about school gives me another kind of feeling this time. I have mixed emotions actually. It's a combination of excitement and at the same time, fear. Haha! Fear for whatever reason which I can't understand. It could be because it's going to be a little harder this time. Or it could be because I haven't prepared myself enough for the upcoming ride. I was too pre-occupied thinking about things that could possibly make my summer more happy and memorable. And so, right now, I am in denial that classes will officially start tomorrow.

    [I've included some pictures of Silliman University in this post]

    the portals of the school

    the administration building

    a school beside the sea

    Last summer, I spent most of my time at home even though I enrolled for one subject so that I could get rid of all the art subjects that was left in my prospectus. Finally, after a month and a half, I got what I wanted. And I am now heading for the path that I planned myself earlier this year - to concentrate on my remaining major subjects. Now that it's done, I couldn't be any more happier. I am ecstatic! (Laughs...) Because I know I'll be decreasing my load this coming semester. I'll have more time to study and to eat then.

    I believe this is the oldest building with a museum on its 2nd floor

    school buildings and grounds

    I miss attending regular classes, but I don't miss going to school. It's fulfilling to do little things like copying notes in the white board or from a power point presentation, knowing that you're doing your job as a student. I also miss hanging out with friends and classmates. Eating and wandering around the campus premises. Stuff like that. I must admit I haven't studied really hard in a while, but it's okay. Haha! I don't miss that part. Hopefully, I'll be doing more of that soon so I have been reserving the powers that I accumulated from sleeping the whole summer long.

    the university library

    Hibbard Hall - one of the oldest school buildings

    This summer was definitely not the best summer that I had. The previous years were better actually. didn't turn out as planned. But it was not that bad. Even though my next summer will be devoted to one more summer for school, I don't mind. As long as I will pass, I'll be okay. And everything will be fine too. I'll be looking forward for that summer after next. I hope I can wander around though. So that I can start visiting the places that I want to go. However, my life-long plans are more important before the great escapades.

    To all students, classes are here. May God bless us all! I hope you're summers were all worthwhile. May God bless us all! Let's study hard. Hehe.