
Who am I? I am a screwed-up blogger and an active blog reader since 2007. A soulful dreamer who believes that passion is life and a person who is looking for meaning, just like any other human being in this world. A super girl wannabe who is currently taking chances and chasing pavements, while keeping up with time and living life in general. This is me, and this blog is the outlet of my random thoughts. (^___^)

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      Recent Posts:

  • Wu Chun is Coming to the Philippines
  • Are You Allergic to Wireless Internet?
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  • Should You Protect Yourself From Earth Radiation?
  • Back To School Again
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  • The Traffic Management Officer
    Thursday, June 26, 2008 @ 2:14 PM | comment (0)

    I was ecstatic this morning after learning that my afternoon classes were all canceled and postponed tomorrow. I've been very tired these past days really. My stamina and my strength was all worked-up in all the challenges that I went through. I wanted to rejuvenate myself ever since last week. I'm glad I was able to sleep the whole afternoon though.

    And so, going back to my story, I was heading off to the grocery store with my mother. Afterwards, we parted ways and I went home alone bringing all the items we bought because she has somewhere to go. Since I had nothing really urgent to do that time, I volunteered myself to do the favor. Ans so, I rode this pedicab going home. How was I to know that in the middle of the road, a traffic management officer out of nowhere, suddenly appeared in the scene, ticketing the driver of the cab because of a violation. And the violation, was 'no loading and unloading of passengers in this area'.

    ticketing the driver

    whoa! it's the paper!

    the traffic management officer in blue

    The cab driver is just a common citizen in this city, and he's no rich man of course. I wonder if they do this to those who violate traffic rules riding in cars. Hmmmm... I'm a bit sad for the cab driver, but I'm sure he learned his lesson today. I hope he will not be doing the same violation again though.

    That incident taught me a valuable lesson in life today. While driving, let us keep an eye on road signs. It's very important. Who knows...a TMO officer might be just around the area or somewhere looking, or perhaps, lurking his eyes on you. Haha! I'm just kidding... I hope everyone will drive safely for everyones safety, all eyes on the road, without taking for granted, the road signs that we pass by of course. :8)