
Who am I? I am a screwed-up blogger and an active blog reader since 2007. A soulful dreamer who believes that passion is life and a person who is looking for meaning, just like any other human being in this world. A super girl wannabe who is currently taking chances and chasing pavements, while keeping up with time and living life in general. This is me, and this blog is the outlet of my random thoughts. (^___^)

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  • Most of the posts in this blog revolve around Asian dramas, movies and pop culture, so please proceed at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you. Haha! Have a wonderful and blessed day! :)



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  • The "Donghae Bag"
    Saturday, April 30, 2011 @ 8:27 PM | comment (0)

    I haven't really posted in a while. Haha! I've been really busy lately and I had so many things to do on top of blogging, that I couldn't really find time to log-in into my blogger account and gather my thoughts together for a new post. Hahaha! I have just started to execute my long term plans recently, and that includes finding a job I think would be able to enrich myself to the fullest (with a good pay of course), before taking up my masters degree in nursing next year. A few months from now, I will be turning 23, so instead of just going all over the place, and asking moolah from my parents, I've figured out that the best time to to jumpstart my career would be right now. And so, I am trying to be the super girl that I always strive and aspire to become, while enjoying the ride, and learning along the way.

    This one is really random, I know. But this afternoon, I spotted a "Donghae Bag", and I was like, "Okay...I need to have this bag!" It's okay, you can call me impulsive. Hahaha! But my eyes really went O__O as soon as I saw the "Donghae" print at the side, which convinced me to get one of my own. Now if you are wondering who Donghae is, he is one of the 13 (technically 15 if you would count the two members of sub-group Super Junior M) member of the popular Korean super group Super Junior, who I have been a fan for more than five years now. Donghae, Siwon and Sungmin are my biases from the group, even though I find all of them really amazing people. If you are a Kpop fan, I'm sure you would know what the heck I am talking about. But if you aren't, then you can google them. Haha! There will surely be like a million search results once you type "Super Junior" in the search bar, even if you're still typing the letter "u". LOL!

    Now, if you are wondering, I haven't acquired the bag yet. But I have already placed my order through my good friend, who helped me to find the whereabouts of this adorable piece. And I'm glad she was able to find someone who sells it online! Here are pictures courtesy of I can't wait for it to arrive! (^____^) 


    Cute, isn't it? :D Another random thought of the day. ^    ^

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